- 清空播放記錄
- 潮生蘭登姆:后來我才想起來,我也曾稱呼自己為HR。
- 翻滾吧!蛋堡:糟糕?;靵y。野心很大,卻毛手毛腳。故事很適合做成美劇。
- 一杯子的事兒:呃,,,用科幻外殼套人類敘事
- _綿瑜:演技還行,黑人女主有點用力過猛,劇情硬傷比較多,而且給女主感情線著墨太多。
- 有點小煩惱吧: moving… it even causes a shooting pain in my fingers. I remember a girl who hadn’t said more than ten words to me in high school once told me how much she loves this movie, which I didn’t give a shit about at that time. Now I finally got her and I realize that she was exactly a wallflower. Actually both of us were.