- 清空播放記錄
- 妄妄雪病:; Never before have I seen a zombie film with so many layers. The symbolic meaning of the infection is announced from the very beginning through footage and words to be 'rage', and the violence induced by it henceforward becomes the centre of the film's criticism. But what adds to the film's complexity is the fact that the protagonist is empowered only by rage to fight for those he loves and defeat the purposeless soldiers, who by contrast fight for nothing but themselves. The film thus indicates a place for violence in humanity and hints that violence is not inherently the abject. It also draws a comparison between two archetypes of fatherhood: permissive & autocratic
- 最初的你們qz:挺失望的,潘粵明演這種戲,導那種劇,臉也垮了。這劇最好可能就這名字,給人一個也許是好劇呢的錯覺,chatgpt取的名字吧?全劇故事設定都非常無聊,即便當背景還不如今冬的都市劇。可能稍微好點還不如最后幾分鐘的尾聲小劇場,不新鮮但也不尬啊。白夜追兇看來永遠地結束了,祖國人就這么不愛惜ip啊。
- 第三只眼:幾乎聚齊了哦~~~動作情節(jié)都很牛
- 盒子里的貓:片頭有《傲骨之戰(zhàn)》的意思,炸掉或者燃燒。喪到極致的中年不得志搖滾歌手回國追夢,不停失敗失望再失敗,最后成功在一場幻想里,“可能假的美夢沒人不喜歡”。前半段和女兒的關系好差,結尾來個強行親情多少有些尷尬,但能拍成這樣足以讓我大呼了。另外節(jié)奏非常可,姚晨的每件外套我都愛!
- 赤子kay:結尾幾乎是《稻草狗》式的。丹尼保爾用記錄片的方式去拍一個非現(xiàn)實的、末世預言式的故事,結果是南轅北轍的。二者的沖突大大削弱了所謂”末世人性剖析“,讓人看得不知所云。